Third Culture Collective
[ the members of third culture ]

negativity in music

converge is an extroardinarily negative band. every note that drips from that guitar reeks of hatred, fear, and insanity. and yet they’ve done nothing but bring great positivity into my life. how can this be? how can the presence of negativity bring about positivity?

my working theory is that its about an unnatural release. negativity played an important, balanced role in the human psyche when we were picking berries and throwing spears. negative emotions could often safely be acted upon with the knowledge it would be the right choice to trust your gut. with our safe, stressful, boring lives, there is endlessly negativity without purpose. without reason, without solution, without a point. when forces so powerful we cant even begin to comprehend them employ their tools to make us miserable for personal gain, negativity becomes a facet of life so omnipresent that it is impossible to discard naturally. thus, it is with negative, unnatural, violent, and manic noise and movement that we can release this unnatural negativity. in a perfect world, we would not need converge.

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